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Parent/Carer Information


LPPA - Leading Parent Partnership Award

What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award? 

The Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work closely with families within their school community. This award helps us to improve the activities we have available for our families and supports better communication. The award is accredited after a visit from an external advisor. 

What does the school have to do to achieve the award? 

Our school is working hard towards meeting the nine evidence-based objectives below: 

  • Demonstrate a commitment to work towards achieving the LPPA
  • Make and implement effective plans to achieve and maintain the LPPA
  • Show the school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents
  • Promote the awareness and participation of all groups of parents/carers in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning. In addition, the school holds and actively promotes a programme of opportunities and events for joint parent and child participation.
  • Provide a good induction for all new parents/carers
  • Provide parents/carers with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them to support their children’s learning
  • Produce and implement parent-friendly policies to establish effective home–school links and to improve children’s attendance, punctuality, progress and positive participation in school
  • Provide good support for all parents as their children move through or leave school
  • Summarise our achievements against the LPPA objectives and outline our future plans

Each term, the LPPA working party meet and work through each of the nine objectives and collate evidence for the school portfolio. 

What are the benefits of trying to attain this award? 

Benefits for our children:

  • It is easier for children to learn when they get encouragement at home.
  • Children can achieve more when their parents/ caregivers are involved in their learning.
  • Any concerns a child has can be discussed quickly and effectively if parents have a positive relationship with school staff.
  • Children enjoy being part of events/ activities with their parents at their school.
  • It gives children a sense of security by knowing that their parents can easily get involved in school life and know what is happening at school.
  • Allows children to openly discuss what they are doing at school

Benefits for parents:

  • Their children will do better and achieve more when they are involved in school life.
  • They can support their children at home and encourage them to make progress in learning. 
  • They have more information about their child's education. 
  • Parents will feel more comfortable sharing their concerns/ questions if they have a good relationship with school staff.
  • Parents get to know other parents/ carers. 
  • Know that they are making a positive contribution to the school community.  

Benefits for the school:

  • The children at the school will feel encouraged to achieve more with the support of both school staff and parents.
  • Staff will be able to use ideas from parent discussions to  develop school improvement plans. 
  • The school will develop a better understanding of what is needed to support the school community. 

 How can parents support with this award?

  • Attend any school events and share feedback 
  • Share any ideas for further parental involvement in school life with school staff
  • Read all the information shared within newsletters, announcements and emails